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New! Peace in the Storm for Caregivers!

October 4, 2024


Happy Feast of St. Francis of Assisi! And, also, the launch date for my new book, Peace in the Storm for Caregivers! Yes, finally, the new devotional is available and, fittingly, publishes on another important day (at least, in my life) - my mother's birthday.


Along with the ongoing ups and sometimes significant downs of life with lupus and other chronic illnesses, I have also been a caregiver in various ways to family members and friends. The role of caregiver is definitely a calling and one that is often not easy to accept. However, as with the journey of serious illness, God always brings graces, insight, comfort, and, yes, joy (and a laugh or two) in and through it all. These realities of faith and caregiving are the underpinnings of this new book, which will also be a resource for caregiver fellowship groups in the ministry, The Peace in the Storm Project. Moreover, Peace in the Storm for Caregivers has been granted the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur, ecclesial approvals in the Catholic Church that the book is free from any moral or doctrinal error and so can be a resource for any Catholic organization, including schools and universities, seminaries, hospitals, and parishes.


As you become familiar with Peace in the Storm for Caregivers, please let me know what you think. And, please, share the book with any caregiver you know who needs encouragement, inspiration, and reinforcement of the truth of our faith that we are loved by God and we are never alone!


In gratitude,



September 6, 2024


We're getting closer to publication of my next book - Peace in the Storm for Caregivers! A devotional for anyone who is a family caregiver (or caregiving with a friend), the book will also be used in The Peace in the Storm Project's small, faith sharing fellowship groups. Stay tuned here for details and the publication date for this next exciting project!



June 7, 2024


I am delighted to announce that the new edition of Peace in the Storm: Meditations on Chronic Pain and Illness is now available everywhere books are sold and directly from the publishing, Galilee Road Publishing (see link)! The new edition has exactly the same contents as the first edition, however includes the nihil obstat and imprimatur granted by Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano, Bishop of Bridgeport. Peace in the Storm: Meditations on Chronic Pain and Illness (2nd Edition) is the only devotional focused on chronic pain and illness to hold these ecclesial approvals. The Second Edition also includes new endorsements and a new cover. Ebook and audiobook (including Audible audiobook) are also available.


Added to that wonderful news is the continued growth of the ministry that the book, Peace in the Storm..., serves. The Peace in the Storm Project is now approved in the dioceses of Boston, Bridgeport, Dallas, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Orange, Phoenix, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C., with several other dioceses and parishes in the process of learning more about how The Project can help their faithful with chronic pain and illness. All of this is a great blessing and I continue to thank the Lord!


Coming soon are several new books through Galilee Road Publishing, LLC, and more jewelry work reflecting faith and the beauty of God's Creation.


Also, I will be giving an online retreat for caregivers and their loved ones living with chronic pain and illness. This event will be sponsored by the National Catholic Partnership on Disability - details to come!


I hope you'll check in here regularly and keep in touch. 


Meantime, prayers for a restful, peaceful summer,




What Is Galilee Road Publishing?


After two "traditional" Catholic publishers took three of my books out of print shortly after the pandemic, I established a publishing house to, at first, revise and re-issue these books. Early this year, the original publisher of Peace in the Storm: Meditations on Chronic Pain and Illness offered to revert all rights to the book to me and I gratefully accepted and published the second edition of the book in April 2024. Galilee Road Publishing LLC is and always will be focused on books at the intersection of faith and the "hard places" of life - disability, chronic illness, pain, the effects of aging, dementia, and caregiving. I hope that, in the years ahead, I will be able to publish other authors' works in this area and continue serving a very underserved, but needed, aspect of pastoral ministry.


Stay tuned!



What Is Galilee Road Jewelry?


Yes, it's true! I have completed two diploma courses in gemology and now hold a Graduate Gemologist diploma from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and am a Fellow, Gemmological Association of Great Britain (Gem-A FGA, with Merit). I am currently creating a line of faith-inspired fine jewelry, which you can see at www.galileeroadjewelry.com





September 13, 2023


There have been some very exciting developments in my writing and ministry!


Beyond Pain: Job, Jesus, and Joy Revised Edition is now available wherever books are sold and is the first book to be published by my new publishing company, Galilee Road Publishing LLC!


Those who know the first edition of Beyond Pain... will be familiar with the premise of the book: to help those who suffer with chronic pain find inspiration and encouragement in the story of Job and the life of Jesus. The Revised Edition has been updated for a post-pandemic world and includes new Prayer Prompts and other content to support that premise (which has not changed). 


Please let me know what you think of the book - and if you find it helpful, please spread the word! Starting a publishing company is a daunting endeavor in the best of times, but your support and prayers will make an enormous difference in the ability to provide meaningful publications for people who need them most!


In addition to the new book, I am also delighted to say that The Peace in the Storm Project is growing throughout parishes and (arch)dioceses throughout the country! One of the most interesting and heartening aspects of this is that The Project is suited to several different pastoral ministries, from Respect for Life to Family Life to Health Care and Elder Care/Homebound outreach efforts. So, another effect of The Project is to create synergy among ministry leaders and their work - spreading the Word while sharing the effort!


A website dedicated to The Project is under construction and will be available soon. Meantime, if you are interested in learning more about The Peace in the Storm Project and would like a copy of the Seven-Session Group Discussion Guide, please email me through this website. 


That's all for now! More to come,


Prayers and Praises in our Lord Jesus Christ,





Previous Post:


I am very grateful and humbled to announce that my devotional, Peace in the Storm: Meditations on Chronic Pain and Illness (Image/Penguin Random House, 2005) has been granted the following ecclesial approvals:


NIHIL OBSTAT: Rev. Donald A. Guglielmi, Censor Librorum

IMPRIMATUR: + Frank J. Caggiano, Bishop of Bridgeport

June 13, 2023


These approvals pertain to ALL printings of the book, as it has not been changed at all since it was first published in 2005. 


Also, Peace in the Storm: Meditations on Chronic Pain and Illness is now the basis for a national parish-centered spiritual support effort called "The Peace in the Storm Project."  A website dedicated to The Peace in the Storm Project will soon launch! Meantime, if you would like information for your parish, please contact me through this website.


God bless you!



A Time of Grace...And Discussion!


I pray that your Lent is very blessed and that, as we near Easter, you are beginning to see the light of springtime joy on the horizon. Today is a very blustery, rainy day, but I have no doubt that God will provide beautiful weather very soon!


Since last I posted, my mother passed away. Despite carrying great sadness, God's grace is a constant presence for me, a reminder of the profound importance and beauty of the faith Mom introduced me to so many years ago. Thank you for your expressions of condolences and remembrances of Mom.


As we move into Easter, I am grateful for another gift - the enthusiasm over formation of parish-based Discussion Groups for people who live with chronic illness, pain, and other health challenges. I have completed a Seven-Session Discussion Guide to accompany readings from my devotional, Peace in the Storm: Meditations on Chronic Pain and Illness (available from www.penguinrandomhouse.com or anywhere books are sold). The Discussion Guide is available free of charge to those who want to start a group in their home parish and contains information about what a "Group" is, as well as individual readings and points for discussion for each of the seven sessions. These are perfect for Easter Season or as we move into Ordinary Time. I am preparing Guides for other seasons, including Advent/Christmas (2023) and Lent/Easter (2024). Please email me if you would like a copy of the Guide or if you have questions about the groups.

Also, although three of my books are currently out of print, I am moving ahead with plans to republish them in revised formats. While this is in process, I do have limited copies available for purchase. Please contact me if you would like copies of Salt and Light: Church, Disability, and the Blessing of Welcome for All; Don't Panic! How to Keep Going When the Going Gets Tough, and Beyond Pain: Job, Jesus, and Joy.


More soon! Meantime, blessings to you and your loved ones and faith families in this Lenten Season and as Easter dawns - sure, bright, true,




Many Blessings and Changes...


I have been so very grateful to you, my readers and sisters and brothers in Christ, for your encouragement and support over the past few years. Thank you for your prayers, suggestions, and fellowship - all of which and more have been inspiration and joy.


As we approach the end of 2022, there are many updates that I'd like to share with you...


During the pandemic, I was blessed to complete a Master of Theological Studies at the Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University (online, of course)! I focused on Sacred Scripture (even studied OT Hebrew) and moral theology, with a particular interest in Christian caregiving, disability and chronic pain and illness, and medical ethics. Each of these subjects has deeply informed the writing I am doing now, and soon I will have new books, workshops, and other projects to share! Stay tuned to this website for the details!


Also, I completed my Graduate Gemologist designation with the Gemological Institute of America and passed the Gemmological Association of Great Britain's Diploma course "with Merit" (honors), too. So, I am a "GIA G.G." and a "Fellow, Gemmological Association of Great Britain" (FGA)! Although this might seem far afield from theology, it enables me to embark on a long-held dream to develop my own line of fine jewelry that evokes faith and the beauty of God's natural world. My shop, Galilee Road Jewelry, will soon open, and I hope you will let me know what you think of my offerings of crosses, angels, and other work. The shop can be found at www.etsy.com/galileeroadjewelry and, in a few weeks, at www.galileeroadjewelry. The picture of the Celtic cross on this Home Page is just one of the designs available.


Besides the exciting direction for writing, speaking, and design, there are some changes in availability of my books and syndicated column, "Living Well."


As of December 31, 2022, "Living Well" will no longer be published through Catholic News Service (CNS). The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops sold the CNS platform to Our Sunday Visitor and as of this update, I have heard of no plans to bring me and my column over to OSV. I have two more columns to go with CNS, and then I will write a monthly column independently, offering it to parish and diocesan publications. Also, there are other opportunities for my shorter, faith-and-health-based writing to be published.  Please contact me for details.


Although the reality of disability, chronic pain and illness, and coping with life's other challenges in faith still exists (and, in fact, seems to be even more of interest to people of faith since the pandemic), two publishers of three of my books have decided not to support this work any longer. The books that have gone out of print are: Don't Panic! How to Keep Going When the Going Gets Tough (Franciscan Media) and Beyond Pain: Job, Jesus, and Joy and Salt and Light: Church, Disability, and the Blessing of Welcome for All (Twenty-Third Publications). All rights to these works have reverted to me, and I am exploring ways to republish/repackage and revise the books in the coming months. Meantime, I do have some copies of each title. Please contact me if you would like to purchase these at a significant discount.


As always, thank you for your support, encouragement, and fellowship! I look forward to sharing more updates with you soon and, meantime, will keep you in my prayers as we all emerge into a "new normal," with God's grace,





Before the Pandemic, This Happened:


Salt and Light: Church, Disability, and the Blessing of Welcome for All is the recipient of TWO national book awards in June 2019:  First Place, Resources for Ministry, Association of Catholic Publishers Excellence in Publishing Awards and  Second Place, Pastoral Ministry, Catholic Press Association Book Awards!!!


Also, Don't Panic! How to Keep Going When the Going Gets Tough was awarded Third Place, Backlist Beauty, 2019 Catholic Press Association Book Awards. 


Praise God! And thanks to all those who have been so wonderfully supportive, from the beginning and onward!


I am honored and grateful that CNS just published a review of f "Salt and Light: Church, Disability, and the Blessing of Welcome for All." A link to the review is on the right side of this page.Thank you, CNS and reviewer Brian T. Olszewski! And thanks be to God for all His many blessings!


The book is available now, wherever books are sold, including Amazon and from the publisher, Twenty-Third Publications.  You can see the cover on the left side of this page - simple and strong.

"Salt and Light: Church, Disability, and the Blessing of Welcome for All" is a resource for parishes, parishioners, and clergy who wish to fully welcome persons with disabilities into complete participation in our church families.

We have made great strides in society and our sacred places to accommodate persons with disabilities. However, many people don't realize it, but our churches are often very behind when it comes to welcoming all, especially people with disabilities. From children with special needs to adults with physical disabilities that need specific accommodations, many of our brothers and sisters in Christ feel unwelcome and left out of church fellowship - and they stay away because of this.

I'm not just speaking from observation, but also from experience. As someone with invisible, but very real, disabilities, I have been the "recipient" of rejection, misunderstanding, and outright prejudice in church. But I have also found wonderful acceptance and Christ-reflecting love - and therein lies the reason for my new book.

"Salt and Light: Church, Disability, and the Blessing of Welcome for All" tackles the tough issues surrounding church communities' reluctance, inability, or refusal to "welcome all," but it also offers practical and prayerful resources and solutions to modify attitudes and find ways large and small to welcome all at the table of Christ. Not just for one liturgy. Not just on one other occasion. Always!

I offer this book out of my heart to bring compassion and understanding to a subject that can be tough for many people. The suggestions offered and resources given flow from my years of experience living with limiting disabilities, writing and researching in the fields of health, spirituality, disability and faith, and deep concern for bringing salt (true diversity) and light (profound love of Christ) to faith communities everywhere.

I hope you will let me know what you think of "Salt and Light: Church, Disability, and the Blessing of Welcome for All." I care deeply about this important topic, and I know you do, too.

Blessings for a healthful and faithful autumn!


I am absolutely delighted to announce that the audiobook format for "Peace in the Storm: Meditations on Chronic Pain and Illness" is here!!! There are also a couple of exciting, new elements to this project. First, you'll notice that the cover is very different from the original book/ebook formats. It was designed by a friend and gifted artist of works of faith, Michael Schrauzer. No worries about what's inside, though - The audiobook is unabridged, complete with the content from the book/ebook formats.

Also, in putting together this project, I wanted to give readers of the book an enhanced experience. So, there is music threaded throughout the book, composed by a good friend and talented composer, Ken Joseph.

I hope you will enjoy this audiobook as much as I enjoyed producing and narrating it. Please send me your feedback (and, if you can, leave your thoughts online, too - every positive review helps!).

In the coming months, I'm going to announce another exciting audio project, featuring music and inspirational content. Meantime, blessings for the summer. May our Lord bring you comfort and grace in every way and,

Always, joy and peace,


Lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus) is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system turns on its own organs and tissues. It is much like being allergic to oneself.

The diagnosis of lupus is complicated, and involves a comprehensive physical and hemotological examination of the patient, as well as an extensive look at a patient's past medical history. The American College of Rheumatology has established a list of criterion, and a patient needs to fulfill several of the criterion in order to be diagnosed with lupus.

Because there is no one "lupus test," or easy way to diagnose the disease, patients often go years between flares and before they are diagnosed. Lupus patients with internal manifestations of the disease often look very healthy, and can be subject to discrimination on that basis.

There are no definitive numbers of how many people in the United States actually have lupus, but recent studies indicate that there might be as many as 1.5 to 2 million women, men and children with the disease in the U.S. Lupus can strike at any age, but most of the diagnoses are made to women in their childbearing years.

Lupus symptoms can vary from fevers, joint pain, extreme fatigue, brain fog, and photosensitivity to kidney, lung, heart, and central nervous system involvement. There is not cure for lupus; doctors try to treat the symptoms with various medications, some of which have short- and long-term side effects that can also be debilitating. Disease progression and severity are different in each patient; approximately 50 percent of lupus patients will have major organ involvement. Each year, lupus patients die from the disease or from complications such as infection or cardiovascular involvement.

The psychological toll of life with lupus is immense. Because of its unpredictability, the hopes and dreams of many lupus patients are shattered, and their personal relationships, career aspirations, and spiritual wellbeing can be severely eroded, if not destroyed. The divorce rate among lupus patients is above the national average, and many lupus patients are, at one time or another during the course of the disease, treated for depression and anxiety. Lupus patients must avoid exposure to sunlight, so even normal daily activities can be impacted and in some cases done away with completely. Outdoor sports, trips to the beach, hikes, and even shopping expeditions are all questionable at best. We sometimes feel like moles!

But although lupus patients must live with lifelong, daunting physical and emotional challenges, many are very resilient and develop coping skills within the parameters of their disease involvement. Lupus patients can be everyone's heroines and heroes!

There is a great need for more research into the causes of and treatments for lupus. There is also a huge need for more public awareness of the disease, both because it will enable people to be diagnosed more rapidly and because it will help others understand what lupus patients struggle with on a daily basis.

For further information, please see my book, TAKING CHARGE OF LUPUS: HOW TO MANAGE THE DISEASE AND MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR LIFE, and Dr. Daniel Wallace's book THE LUPUS BOOK. Also, contact the Lupus Foundation of America: www.lupus.org

Thank you!